Our offer

The price of our solution and services
How much does it cost ?

Our standard offer

Our standard offer comes packed with most of the features. Some features are optional, keep reading...

Restaurant websites made with Napplok

The perfect website for your restaurant

The core of your online presence. Offer your customers a powerful website, complete and easy to use.

The features you need

Show the world your menu, your products... accept online orders and payments...

A solid foundation

Domain name, SSL certificate, local search engine optimisation, data collect, analytics, optimized...

Management interface

Easily find and look at your customers data, orders... Update your opening hours, receive notifications and instant updates...

Email & SMS

Stay in touch with your customers. In just a click, send them the latest news, offers...

Launch offer !

Subscribe now and receive 50% off on the subscription price for a duration of a year !

Napplok Standard STANDARD

Notre offre standard. Gratuite, pour toujours ! Commencez dès aujourd'hui !
0 /mo
  • alts.checkSite internet optimisé
  • alts.checkThème personnalisable
  • alts.checkAffichez votre menu
  • alts.checkRéférencement (SEO)
  • alts.checkSans publicité pour Napplok
  • alts.checkNom de domaine (+ SSL)
  • alts.checkCommandes en ligne
  • alts.checkPaiements en ligne

Napplok VIP VIP

Supprimez la publicité de votre site et donnez lui un nom de domaine qui vous ressemble.
25 /mo
  • alts.checkSite internet optimisé
  • alts.checkThème personnalisable
  • alts.checkAffichez votre menu
  • alts.checkRéférencement (SEO)
  • alts.checkSans publicité pour Napplok
  • alts.checkNom de domaine (+ SSL)
  • alts.checkCommandes en ligne
  • alts.checkPaiements en ligne

Napplok Premium PREMIUM

Notre plus belle offre. Offrez à votre vitrine digitale les fonctionalitées qu'elle mérite.
50 /mo
  • alts.checkSite internet optimisé
  • alts.checkThème personnalisable
  • alts.checkAffichez votre menu
  • alts.checkRéférencement (SEO)
  • alts.checkSans publicité pour Napplok
  • alts.checkNom de domaine (+ SSL)
  • alts.checkCommandes en ligne
  • alts.checkPaiements en ligne
Go further...

Optional features

The features below are not included in the standard offer.

15€ / month


Promote a product by offering a discount on its price.

20€ / month


Reward your most loyal customers. Encourage them to come back by offering them discounts on their future orders.

20€ / month


Publish a coupon that offers the user shipping costs, a product, a discount ... on Facebook or other, then admire the result!

20€ / month

Gift cards

Sell gift cards. Your customers can now offer their loved ones a menu, or a certain amount to spend at your restaurant.

Marketing pricing


All transactionnal emails are included in our standard offer.

Marketing e-mails and SMS requires a positive balance on your Napplok wallet.

Select the recipient country to find out the prices.

SMS price: *

Marketing email price: 0.009€**

* Prices may vary. Last synchronisation:: 28.03.2020
No time ?

We can help !

Napplok was created to help you save time. If you would rather have our team deal with the installation and the configuration of your website, so you can just focus on starting using it, we can help !

Ready to give it a try ?

Start your free trial !

Try Napplok today, for 30 days, no credit card required. All features are available in our trial version.

Start accepting online orders in your restaurant today. Free 30 days trial !

Your restaurant name
