Add Google Analytics to your restaurant website


Why integrate Google Analytics to my website ?

Google Analytics allows you to keep an eye on your website traffic.

A powerful and free tool, useful to, for example, check the results of a recently sent marketing campaign.


What will I need ?

  1. A google account.
  2. 10 minutes approximately.

Useful links

  1. Access Google Analytics

A preview of Google Analytics

How to add Google Analytics to my website ?

  1. On the bottom left of the screen, click on google analytics admin Administration, then click Create an account.
  2. Enter the account name and click Next.
  3. Google nows asks you what you would like to measure. Select Web, then click Next.
  4. Enter the name of your restaurant, your website address, the sectoral category as well as a time zone.
  5. Click on Create. You are redirected to the tracking information page.
  6. Retrieve your Tracking ID which should look like UA-159982510-1.
  7. You are almost done ! Enter your Google Analytics Tracking id in your Management interface, Parameters page, Integrations tab.

Google Analytics is now setup on your website !

Congratulations ! You can now monitor your website traffic through Google Analytics !

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