Add Google Login to your restaurant website


Why integrate Google Login to my website ?

Adding Google login to your website allows your customers to register and login in a click. This free service providen by Google only requires to be configured in order to be used on your website.

What will I need ?

  1. A Google account.
  2. A Google Cloud Platform account.
  3. Your own domain name. The free domain name from Napplok cannot be used.
  4. 15 minutes approximately.

Warning: We recommend using a computer while accessing the Google Cloud Platform.

Useful links

  1. Access Google Cloud Platform.
  2. Access Goocle Cloud Platform Console.

How to integrate Google Login to your website ?

The integration is simple and free. Let's get started and set it up !

What are the steps ?

  1. Create a Google account.
  2. Create a Google Cloud Platform account.
  3. Head over to your Google Cloud Platform account dashboard.
  4. Start by creating a new project. Click Select a project then click NEW Project.
  5. Fill in your restaurant name in Project name then click Create.
  6. You will now have to enable API usage for this project. In the navigation bar on the left, click on Dashboard then click SERVICES AND API.
  7. Click Select a project, then, select your project.
  8. We are now going to configure the OAuth client. In the navigation bar on the left, click on OAUTH AUTHORISATION SCREEN
  9. Select Extern for the user type, then click Create.
  10. Fill in the name of your application. Re-use your restaurant name.
  11. Verify that the following application fields are setup: emailprofileopenid.
  12. In Authorized domains, enter the domain name used to access your website.

    The domain name cannot be a Napplok free domain (*

  13. Click on Save.
  14. We are now going to create your OAuth credentials. In the navigation bar on the left, click on Credentials.
  15. On this page, click on CREATE CREDENTIALS then click OAUTH CLIENT ID.

    Application Type: Web application

    Allowed uri redirections:

  16. Click on Save.
  17. Your are done setting up everything on Google to start using Google Login ! Retrieve your Client ID and the SECRET CODE
  18. Enter the previously retrieved Client ID as well as your Secret Code in your Management interface, Parameters page, Integrations tab.

Google Login is now integrated to your website !

Congratulations ! Your users can now register and login to your website using their Google account, in a click !

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